These are my notes from my daily personal devotions. They are not proofread or edited in any way. The feed is also a weekly sermon podcast. My focus is on living out what the Bible teaches literally. I hope it will be a help to you in you spiritual life. May God be praised.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Looking to Jesus
Looking to Jesus, not ourselves, is the key to a successful Christian life. We, of ourselves, cannot survive in this wicked world. We need the blood of Jesus, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Our strength alone is never enough to fight off temptations and emerge victorious. In our own strength we become tired, discouraged and depressed. With the help of God, we can live a life of victory. Only when we take our eyes of Jesus do we begin to fail. Jesus will never fail us. When we begin looking at ourselves, we'll say, "What's the use?" We'll see all our faults and become discouraged. When we look to Jesus, we'll see only perfection and holiness. Let's always keep our eyes on Jesus whose power has and can continue to save us and bring us home safe to heaven.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Exodus 8:28
"Only ye shall not go very far away." This is what Pharoah told the Israelites when they wanted to leave Egypt. This is what the world today tells us if we want to be separate. The Bible calls us to live separately and be different. The world tell us not to be too different. "Compromise" they say, "Don't be a radical, and we all can get along just fine together. We won't criticize you if you don't criticize us. We're all going to the same place. If we all love and accept each other, everything will be fine." What a lie from the devil! We dare not compromise. Truth must be obeyed. It cannot be tampered with. It will never change. That's what makes it truth. This kind of separation that God calls us to affects every area of our lives: the way we work, play and dress; the things we do; the places we go; and the things we don't do. We, as human beings, like to be the same as our peers in many ways. But, God calls us to be different. We may never succumb to the temptation to not go very far away. When the judgment of God falls on those who are not following the Bible, we'll be glad that we were as far away as possible
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Hypocrites will not make it to heaven
We as Christians believe, of course, that those who disregard God and disobey His commandments will be sentenced to hell on that great Judgment Day. God is merciful, but just. He will not overlook sin. In order to make it to heaven, our eternal reward, we need to live daily in obedience to God's commands. However, sometimes we may forget that blatant sinners will not be the only ones in hell. There will be many who say, "Lord, Lord , have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?" But, doing wonderful works is not an automatic ticket to heaven. It takes more than that. It takes a daily life of obedience to God, not just a show of religion. Sadly, there will be many people, on that day, who will be disappointed. These are people who thought they were doing what was right, but they were only pretending. They didn't have a changed life. They weren't living the Christian life as the Bible commands. What a sad surprise! May we be living our lives so that there will be no sad surprises on the Great Judgment Day.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Trumpets in the Bible
The Bible refers to the use of a trumpet many times and for various reasons:
- In Exodus, the Lord blew on the trumpet loud and long when He descended to Mount Sinai. The mountain shook and smoked and God spoke to the people. They were so afraid that they asked Moses to speak to God for them.
- In the law, there were rules about the use of the trumpet to gather people for an assembly or for war.
- The Israelites also used two silver trumpets as signals when to move camp in the wilderness during their journey to Canaan.
- Trumpets were used as musical instruments especially in times of war or during worship. King David was responsible for organizing the priests and Levites into singing groups. This tradition lasted for many years and music became a very integral part of their worship.
- Gideon used trumpets when he conquered the Midianites
- The trumpet was also used in times of rejoicing and worship.
- The Hebrews used the trumpet to call people together for worship
- Ignoring the trumpet was a sign of carelessness and lack of commitment.
- People also used the trumpet to call attention to themselves. Jesus instructed his disciples not to sound a trumpet before them when they did their alms. This showed pride and a totally wrong spirit.
- The second coming of Christ will be accompanied by a great sound of the trumpet. Everyone will hear it and everyone will know that Christ has returned. It will not be a secret
- I Corinthians 15:52 speaks of the last trump. This is the trumpet that signifies the return of Christ. All the dead shall be raised and those who are alive will be changed
- In Revelation, John mentions several times that a voice sounded like a trumpet
- Also mentioned in Revelation is the association of judgment with the sound of a trumpet. There were seven trumpets sounded and with each one, there came plagues on the earth.
May we be living in readiness for the final sound of the trumpet so that we can go along with the saints to heaven