Monday, February 25, 2008

Jeremiah 33 - 34

Chapter 33:
Jeremiah was still in prison. He could have been discouraged and covered in self-pity. But, he was in touch with God and God spoke with him. God again renewed His promises that Judah would return and flourish in Jerusalem. He said that if there is no more day and night, then I will break my covenant with David that his children will rule Israel. Today, that is still being fulfilled in Christ Jesus who is in heaven ruling the earth.

Chapter 34:
God spoke to Jeremiah again and told him to tell King Zedekiah exactly what would happen to him. He would meet with Nebuchadnezzar, but he would not be killed.
After that, Zedekiah proclaimed that all the slaves should be freed. Many of the people joined him in making a covenant to free all their Jewish slaves and they did so. This was actually part of the Law. If someone was so poor that they had to sell themselves as slaves to pay their debts. Then, all were to be released every seven years. This was to give everyone another chance in life. So, all these people freed their slaves, but it seems that they realized how much they had depended on their slaves and they made them return and serve them again. Not only were these people disobeying the Law, but also, they were going back on their covenant. Making this covenant involved walking between two halves of a slain calf in order to signify that they wanted to be killed if they did not perform the covenant. Yet, it seems that they lightly broke this covenant just as they did the Law. Because of this sin, God again pronounced judgment on Jerusalem and the surrounding cities. He said that the would be destroyed and without an inhabitant. Let's always be true to our covenants to other people and most of all to God. We must always obey all of the Bible. There is nothing that we can leave out if we want God's blessing on our lives.

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