Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Let Brotherly Love Continue

Heb 13:1

Let brotherly love continue.



The Bible is full of commands to love each other. We should be looking out for the good of others every day. It requires us to be unselfish and put others first. Yet, sometimes we need a reminder to let brotherly love continue. It's easy to become lax. We are humans and we forget. We can so easily slip back into selfishness and fail to show love to those around us. So, how can we let brotherly love continue? One way is to continually remember what Jesus has done for us. He has done so much for us that we should be ready to sacrifice for the good of others. Also, if we remember that God has created us all equal, we will realize that we are no better than anyone else and everyone else deserves equal treatment. Their rights are just as important as mine. So, in our lives today, let brotherly love continue.

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