Wednesday, January 09, 2013

The Least of All Saints

To me, the very least of all saints,

Ephesians 3:8

If Paul was the least of all saints, what am I? I believe that he was not referring to his position in the church. Rather, he was acknowledging that without Christ, he was nothing. Everything that he had done in his life was only through the power of God. So it is for me. I can do nothing without God. Yet, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The more we realize how weak we are and how strong, loving and generous God is, the more we will be blessed. I have seen God's power heal people miraculously. I have seen people delivered from spiritual bondage, but it is all God's power and none of mine. All God wants us to do is ask in faith believing that He will answer. Then, we need to give God all the glory for what He has done.

Thank You, God, for Your power in my life. Thank You for healing and deliverance. You desire us to live in freedom, and You give us the power to do so. I want to always remember that I am nothing without You. Help me to daily rely on Your power only. Because, when I rely on myself, I only live a life of drudgery and failure instead of freedom and victory.

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