Saturday, May 03, 2008

1 Peter 2

Peter tells us that we are a chosen generation. We are a special people that God has called out to be his own. We were once in darkness, but now we are in His light. We were worthless, but, through God's mercy we can be His children. Because of this, we need to live as strangers and pilgrims. We are not part of this world. We are honest and faithful. When people see our good works, they will glorify God.


Next, Peter moves on to talk about submission. While we are not to be involved with government, we must obey them as long as that does not cause us to disobey God. Servants should also be subject to their masters whether the are kind or unkind. It is a tremendous testimony to those around us if we suffer wrongly and still take it patiently. Jesus was an amazing example of this. He was completely sinless. Yet, He suffered patiently and was eventually killed. Because of this, we can be saved from our sins. How wonderful! Let's be willing to suffer for him. It is a small thing compared to what He has done for us.

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