Friday, January 02, 2009

The Lost Sheep

Jesus had been talking about offenses. He reminded His disciples how serious it was to offend one of the "little ones" in the faith. Then, He went on to give a parable about a Shepherd who had 100 sheep. One of them was lost. So, He left the 99 and went to look for the one. When He found it, He returned with more rejoicing over the sheep that had been found than over the 99 who never strayed away. So it is with us. God has a very tender care for each one of us. He especially wants to find those who are lost. He doesn't desire that any should perish.


This made me wonder if I have the same concern for lost souls that God does. Do I care enough to talk with the lost person? Is my life a shining witness for Christ? Can others tell that I've been with Jesus? Do I go seeking for those that are lost with the intention of bringing them back? Lord, help me to have the commitment it takes to seek souls for You. Help me to keep my priorities right. Help me to remember what is most important in life. Help me to point lost sinners to You.

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