Friday, January 09, 2009

The Unmerciful Servant

Peter began this discourse by asking Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother that trespasses against him. Jesus followed by giving this parable: There was a king who took account of his servants and found that one owed him a massive sum of money that he would never be able to repay. So, he called the servant and commanded that he, his family and everything he had should be sold to pay the debt, but the servant begged for mercy and the king forgave the debt. Then this servant went out and found another servant that owed him a tiny sum and took him by the throat and demanded to be paid. This second servant plead for mercy, but could not get it. When the kings other servants saw what had happened, they told him. The king called in that wicked servant and told him how he should have showed mercy as he was shown mercy. Because of his sin, that entire massive debt was due after all.


Jesus then goes on to teach us how we should relate to others who wronged us or owe us money. We have been forgiven a massive debt of sin that we could never have repaid. Yet, how are we treating those who have wronged us? Are we forgiving just as freely as we have been forgiven? Or, are we outwardly forgiving but inwardly harboring revenge or ill will? God sees our hearts. He knows if we have truly forgiven or not. If we are withholding forgiveness, we curse ourselves every time we pray the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors." May God help us to forgive as we have been forgiven.

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