Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Rather Appeal to You

though I have enough confidence in Christ to order you to do what is proper, yet for love's sake I rather appeal to you
Phm 1:8-9

What makes you feel better: when people appeal to you or when they order you to do what is proper?  Are you more motivated by harsh commands or gentle suggestions? Do you prefer orders from on high or nudges from a friend who cares about you? I believe that Paul and Philemon were examples of how that church should work. Paul realized that appealing to Philemon was the most effective. He also knew Philemon well enough to know that with a suggestion, Philemon would do more than he said. What a beautiful picture of how church life should work!

Am I able to receive an appeal from my brothers or sisters in the church and act on it? Am I humble enough to appeal to people even when I'm confidant in Christ that I am right? Following Paul's example would improve relationships in the body of Christ dramatically.

Lord, help me to be able to give and receive appeals in the spirit of a servant, a follow of You. Help me to know when to appeal and when to give orders, and to do both in love. I want to relate to my family, friends, co workers, brothers and sisters in the church meekly and humbly as You showed us when You were here on earth.

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