Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let No One Disregard You

These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you.
Tit 2:15

As I read this verse, I thought about how we're taught to be tactful, humble and not offend people when we speak. Yet, this verse seems to fly in the face of that teaching. It tells us to speak with authority, and let no one disregard us. I believe the difference is this: when we are speaking from our own hearts, thoughts and opinions, we should be reserved and not over-confident. Yet, when we are speaking from God, there is no need to apologize. When Jesus spoke, people were amazed at the authority with which he spoke. When God has given us words to speak, we too can and must speak with boldness and authority.

Lord, help me to be sensitive to You speaking in my life. Help me to be bold to speak what You have given me. Help me not to be dogmatic when expressing my own opinions, and help me to know the difference.

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