Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful have vanished from among the children of man.
Psalm 12:1
Right now I feel a little like David did. It seems that there aren't many godly people left. It feels like more people walk away from truth all the time. In many ways, our culture has forgotten all sense of right and wrong. Sin is celebrated. Even churches stand for things that are in direct conflict with the Bible. The politicians in this country seem to be blinded to truth.
Yet, I am not afraid or worried. In verse 5 of the same chapter, God says, "I will now arise... I will place him in the safety for which he longs." What a blessing! We can know we are safe in God's protection. When God arises, His enemies had better run. Theri evil cunning is no match for His omnipotence.
I thank You, Lord, that You will arise. Thank You for giving us the safety for which we long. Thank You that You know everything and are all powerful. We trust our lives to You and we are safe.
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