Monday, October 14, 2013

What is Man?

What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Psalm 8:4

It's good to be reminded that we are not as great as we sometimes think we are. God is incomprehensibly greater than we are. Yet, He cares deeply about us. He could have abandoned us when the first humans chose to disobey and walk away from Him. Yet, He didn't. There have been countless times since then when almost all the people in the world have rejected Him and His plan. Yet, He works miracles through that remnant that trust Him and brings people back to Himself.

Lord, thank You for how much You care about us. Thank You for reaching out to us even though we do not deserve it. I pray that we could be the people that You use to bring mankind back to You. May we be the ones that You can use to send revival in our churches, in our country and in the world. I want to live a life that You can direct and use. I realize that this will be difficult, but I trust You to give me the strength and grace I need. I give my life to You.

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