As the early church grew rapidly, people from all over Israel were joining the church. Even Samaritans, who were only part Jewish joined as well, but in the beginning, there were no Gentiles joining the church, but God had bigger plans. He wanted a world-wide church that reached out and invited anyone who would believe. So, God sent an angel to talk with Cornelius, a Roman centurion. The angel told him to send for Peter. In the mean time, God told Peter in a vision not to be afraid to go with these people. So, when Peter arrived and preached to Cornelius and his friends, the Lord poured out the Holy Spirit on them and they were baptized. Peter was amazed by this and he said, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."
Do I believe this? Do you? It doesn't matter what kind of life a person has lived. They can still become a Christian. It doesn't matter if they are a drug addict or a homosexual. They can be an atheist or a Buddhist or a Mormon. It doesn't matter what's happened in their life. It doesn't matter what race they are. It doesn't matter if they are upper class or live in a slum. They may be Indian, Chinese, Russian white or black. They may have the most disgusting habits and vices. Yet, God wants to save them. He will not save them in their sin. He wants to save them from their sin. God does not save people who continue to live in sin. He saves them and gives them power to have victory over sin. Since God is no respecter of persons, we shouldn't be either. We need to see everyone as equal. We may never put ourselves on a pedestal and look down on other people for any reason. When we remember that nothing good that we are doing is because of our own merit, it will help us remember that we are no better than anyone else. Therefore, we should willingly share the gospel at every opportunity no matter who it may be.
Lord, help me to be more like You. Help me not to be a respecter of persons. Help me to reach out and share the Gospel with people without judging them. Help me to remember that anything I may be is only because of You. Help me to only glory because of what You've done in my life and not because of any of my accomplishments. Help me to realize that everyone is equal in Your sight. Help me to remember that there is no one in this world that is too high or too low to need salvation. Help me to be a living witness for what You've done for me.