Friday, April 17, 2009

God Can Save Anyone

I was just reading in Acts 8 about how determinedly Saul (later called Paul) persecuted the early church. It seems that after witnessing the stoning of Stephen, Saul began persecuting Christians in earnest. Not only did he scour Jerusalem, but he also traveled to many other cities around the area. I'm sure many people would never have thought of him as a candidate for salvation, but sure enough, not long afterwards, Saul became a Christian. That challenged me never to limit the power of God and never to count someone out as a candidate for salvation. We all have people in our lives that are antagonistic to our faith, but let's not forget to witness to them. The very fact that they are opposing Christianity may be evidence that God is speaking to them and their conscience is working. Maybe they won't talk to us about Jesus, but we should be letting our light shine. Sometimes words can speak louder than actions. Let's also be sure that our actions are backing up our words. Nothing will turn them against Christianity more than a person who is a Christian in words only. Let's remember, God can save anyone. Let's be ready to be used to reach anyone that God calls us to.

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