Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What Has the Holy Spirit Done in my Life?

I've just read the beginning of Acts 2 and I was again amazed by the power displayed at the first coming of the Holy Spirit. There was the sound of a mighty wind, tongues of fire, and preaching that could be heard in multiple languages at once. What an amazing display of power! It then made me wonder, do I allow the Spirit to work in my life as powerfully as He would like? Am I limiting the power of God in my life. What more could I be doing for God if I would only follow His leading. There was no wind and fire when I received the Holy Spirit, but did I allow that wind to cleanse my heart and was I set on fire for God? Am I still on fire for God, or am I only smoldering?


Lord, revive the fire in my life. Help me not to grow cold in my Christian life. Help me to boldly reach others for You. Help me to be ready to share a word for You. Help me not to be ashamed to be a Christian. May my life be a reflection of Christ, my Master.

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