Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lord, Lay Not This Sin to Their Charge

What an amazing testimony as Stephen was being stoned! He was in extreme pain after being rejected by his own people. Yet, he forgave them from the bottom of his heart. He followed his supreme example, Jesus, as He was dying on the cross. He forgave those who crucified Him. Do I forgive like that? It's a challenge for me to forgive those who slander me or those that I disagree with. Lord, help me to become more like Stephen. Help me to respond like Jesus. Help me to forgive from the bottom of my heart. Help me not to hold grudges. Help me to want the best for my enemies. Help me to desire their good. Give me a burden for their souls. Help me to reach out and witness to them instead of arguing with them. Give me a heart of love for those who are unlovely. Help me to treat them as Christ would.

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