Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Foundation of a Godly Home

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Paul's Practical Advice

I enjoyed reading Romans 12. He gives us practical advice for living the Christian life. In verse 1, he tells us to present our bodies a living sacrifice. He doesn't say we need to give our lives. Most Christians do not need to give their lives for their faith. However, he does say that we should be a living sacrifice. Our entire lives need to be a sacrifice to God. He goes on through the rest of the chapter and instructs us how to do that. First, we should not be conformed to this world. In other words, the Christian needs to be different. We must show that we are a Christian by our words and actions. The meaning of the word Christian is "little Christ." People should be able to tell that we are like Christ. Next, he tells us that we should not be proud. Instead, we should think soberly and exercise the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given to us. Just as each part of our body works together and fills its place well, so the members of the church should work together. No one should covet a different position or feel proud or inferior because of the position they fill. He also tells us to display true love to each other. One way to do that is to prefer others before ourselves. This runs counter to human nature and can be very difficult, but it is the Christian way. The next several verses tell us that we should be industrious, hopeful, patient, prayerful, and hospitable. Paul even tells us to bless those that curse us. No one but a true Christian has the power to do something like that. We as Christians should live peaceably with everyone as much as possible. We should not seek revenge. Instead we should help even our enemies when we have opportunity. In that way we can avoid being overcome with evil and instead overcome evil with good

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Romans 11

In this chapter, Paul explains how the Gentiles were brought into the family of God. In the Old Testament times, the Jews were God's chosen people and very few Gentiles became a part of God's family. However, the Jews rejected God and turned their backs on Him. So, God extended the opportunity of salvation to all mankind. Many Gentiles were accepting salvation and joining the new church of God. As Paul illustrates it here, they were wild olive branches that were grafted into the good olive tree. The original branches were cut off because they did not bear fruit. However, Paul warns the Gentiles (the wild olive branches) not to boast against the branches that were cut off. If they boasted, they to might be cut off. We, as Gentiles, have been blessed because of the Jews' unbelief. However, we should desire that they might be saved. They are still God's chosen people and we should be reaching out to them in any way possible. We should also be thanking God that He has made a provision for us to be saved.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Establishing Our Own Righteousness

In Romans 10, Paul talks about the Jews who were not saved. He had a deep desire that they might be saved. They were very zealous in their religion. They followed it to the letter. Yet, it did not save them because it was their own righteousness. They were ignorant of God's righteousness. So, they had to establish their own.


We can be that way too sometimes. Maybe we tend to think that the Bible way is too hard. Or, maybe it's too simple. Perhaps, we are just unwilling to submit to its teachings. It could even be that we begin following the teachings of a man instead of the Bible. Whatever the reason, we establish our own righteousness. We may be ever so zealous in this righteousness that we've concocted on our own, but God is not pleased with us. We cannot be saved on our own. We can only be saved through Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Nothing that we do on our own can save us.


Lord, help us to depend on You. Help us to accept Your wonderful plan of salvation instead of trying to establish our own righteousness. Help us to put our zeal into Your service. Forgive us when we try to take our own way. Gently remind us that Your righteousness is the only true righteousness.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Holy Art of Training Children

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Value of Normal Church Life


Phil 4:11-12


11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.


12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to



Contentment is very important in the life of a Christian. It can make the difference between drudgery and enjoyment of life. I tend to be discontent with my life. I wish things were different. Then, I would be happy. I think that a different situation would make me happy. I forget that, as a Christian, I can truly be happy all the time. I can learn to be like Paul. He says that he learned to be content no matter what happened to him. He wasn't always wishing that he could be out of jail. He was content in the place that God put him. He even wrote many encouraging letters while he was in prison. God had a reason for putting him there. I want to do my best to understand that God has a purpose for placing me here. If I become discouraged or discontent, I cannot be useful to God. Also, I want to remember that I am blessed so much more than so many people in the world. God has given me so much.

Lord, help me to appreciate all that you have done for me. Help me to be content with my station in life. Help me to be useful to you. Grant me wisdom to make the right choices. Help me to enjoy my life of service for you. Thank you for all that you have done for me.