Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mission Work

In Acts 13, we see an example of how the early church did mission work. I see here several lessons that we can learn from them:

  1. Mission work doesn't need a lot of committees and bureaucracy.
  2. Everyone should be involved in mission work whether you leave your home or not.
  3. Trusting in God is important in mission work.
  4. Prayer is important for us to get a burden for mission work.
  5. We must be ready to answer the call of God no matter what He calls us to.
  6. God will bless the efforts of those who do His will


    Lord, help me to be sensitive to Your calling. Help me to be a missionary right here at home. Help me to reach out to the needs of others. Help me to have a burden for lost souls. Help me to dedicate my life to Your service.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God Is No Respecter of Persons

As the early church grew rapidly, people from all over Israel were joining the church. Even Samaritans, who were only part Jewish joined as well, but in the beginning, there were no Gentiles joining the church, but God had bigger plans. He wanted a world-wide church that reached out and invited anyone who would believe. So, God sent an angel to talk with Cornelius, a Roman centurion. The angel told him to send for Peter. In the mean time, God told Peter in a vision not to be afraid to go with these people. So, when Peter arrived and preached to Cornelius and his friends, the Lord poured out the Holy Spirit on them and they were baptized. Peter was amazed by this and he said, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."


Do I believe this? Do you? It doesn't matter what kind of life a person has lived. They can still become a Christian. It doesn't matter if they are a drug addict or a homosexual. They can be an atheist or a Buddhist or a Mormon. It doesn't matter what's happened in their life. It doesn't matter what race they are. It doesn't matter if they are upper class or live in a slum. They may be Indian, Chinese, Russian white or black. They may have the most disgusting habits and vices. Yet, God wants to save them. He will not save them in their sin. He wants to save them from their sin. God does not save people who continue to live in sin. He saves them and gives them power to have victory over sin. Since God is no respecter of persons, we shouldn't be either. We need to see everyone as equal. We may never put ourselves on a pedestal and look down on other people for any reason. When we remember that nothing good that we are doing is because of our own merit, it will help us remember that we are no better than anyone else. Therefore, we should willingly share the gospel at every opportunity no matter who it may be.


Lord, help me to be more like You. Help me not to be a respecter of persons. Help me to reach out and share the Gospel with people without judging them. Help me to remember that anything I may be is only because of You. Help me to only glory because of what You've done in my life and not because of any of my accomplishments. Help me to realize that everyone is equal in Your sight. Help me to remember that there is no one in this world that is too high or too low to need salvation. Help me to be a living witness for what You've done for me.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Barnabas Intercedes for Saul

Saul (Paul) had been intensely persecuting the Christians and had built up a reputation for it, but after he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, his whole life was turned around. After 3 days of fasting and prayer, he became a Christian, received the Holy Spirit and was baptized. Barnabas was at first reluctant to go to meet Saul when God told him to, but God explained that Saul had a change of heart. However, when Saul went to Jerusalem, it was another story. The Christians there were afraid to take him in. He had been persecuting them so much that they didn't believe his conversion was real. Enter Barnabas. He calmly explained to the Christians at Jerusalem how Paul had been miraculously converted and had preached Jesus at Damascus. After that, they accepted him.


What a wonderful example of how brotherhood should work! If we all stuck up for each other like that, our church life could be a lot smoother. Lord, give us the brotherly love and concern of Barnabas. Help us to look out for each other's welfare. Help us to truly desire the best for each other. Help us to get along as true Christians should.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Will Bless the Lord

Ps 34:1


I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.



Bless the Lord at all times! Is that my life? The way some Christians live, you'd think they were told to complain at all times. Is my life blessing the Lord continually? Are my words and actions praising God?


Lord, help me to bless you at all times. Help me to live my life continually conscious of what You've done for me. Thank You for all the wonderful things that You are doing in my life. Help me to give my life back to You completely.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Arise, and Go Toward the South

Philip was preaching in Samaria in the early days of the church, when an angel came to him and told him to go toward the south. This likely seemed like a very strange command. What was in the South? What should he do there? Exactly where should he go? But, we don't have any record of Philip questioning. He just went and did as he was told. When he got there, he found a man in need of salvation and he eventually baptized him.


I was challenged by this passage in Acts. Am I that in tune with the Spirit of God? Do I respond to God's nudges, or I am too busy to notice? Do I take time to witness for God, or am I too involved in my own worries that I don't notice the needs of others? Lord, help me to be close to You and responsive to Your call. Help me to selflessly reach out to others who need you. Help me to live a life that tells others about You. Help me to live Your will for my life.

Friday, April 17, 2009

God Can Save Anyone

I was just reading in Acts 8 about how determinedly Saul (later called Paul) persecuted the early church. It seems that after witnessing the stoning of Stephen, Saul began persecuting Christians in earnest. Not only did he scour Jerusalem, but he also traveled to many other cities around the area. I'm sure many people would never have thought of him as a candidate for salvation, but sure enough, not long afterwards, Saul became a Christian. That challenged me never to limit the power of God and never to count someone out as a candidate for salvation. We all have people in our lives that are antagonistic to our faith, but let's not forget to witness to them. The very fact that they are opposing Christianity may be evidence that God is speaking to them and their conscience is working. Maybe they won't talk to us about Jesus, but we should be letting our light shine. Sometimes words can speak louder than actions. Let's also be sure that our actions are backing up our words. Nothing will turn them against Christianity more than a person who is a Christian in words only. Let's remember, God can save anyone. Let's be ready to be used to reach anyone that God calls us to.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lord, Lay Not This Sin to Their Charge

What an amazing testimony as Stephen was being stoned! He was in extreme pain after being rejected by his own people. Yet, he forgave them from the bottom of his heart. He followed his supreme example, Jesus, as He was dying on the cross. He forgave those who crucified Him. Do I forgive like that? It's a challenge for me to forgive those who slander me or those that I disagree with. Lord, help me to become more like Stephen. Help me to respond like Jesus. Help me to forgive from the bottom of my heart. Help me not to hold grudges. Help me to want the best for my enemies. Help me to desire their good. Give me a burden for their souls. Help me to reach out and witness to them instead of arguing with them. Give me a heart of love for those who are unlovely. Help me to treat them as Christ would.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Worthy to Suffer

The apostles in the early church faced much opposition. Much of it came from the religious leaders of the day. They had been commanded not to preach any more. When they were caught preaching, they were put into prison, but an angel let them out of prison and commanded them to preach in the temple. When the council came together to hear their case, they found the prison empty. Then, someone brought news that the apostles were preaching in the temple. So, they quickly brought them. After the trial, they beat them and commanded them not to preach anymore. In spite of all this, the Bible says, "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name."


Do I have that kind of attitude. Am I ready and willing to suffer shame for the name of Christ? Do I speak up boldly for Jesus? Am I willing to witness no matter what other people will think of me? Lord, give me Your boldness. Give me Your strength. Help me to be a bright, shining light for You in every area of my life. Help me not to be ashamed of the Gospel, but to boldly live my life for Your glory!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Annanias and Saphira

I just read the account of Annanias and Saphira and it made me wonder what my motives are for giving and serving. Do I do it to lay up treasure in heaven. Am I doing it in thankfulness for all the Jesus has done for me or am I doing it because it's expected of me? Am I doing it to look good to those around me? Are my motives pure. Is God pleased with my giving or does he see ulterior motives?


Lord, help me to give generously. Help me to give from a true heart of love. Help me to serve You for your glory.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obey God or Man

Peter and John had just healed a lame man in the temple and it got the attention of many people, but of course, the priests and Pharisees were jealous. So, they put Peter and John in jail. After calling them for a trial, they decided to let them go with the strict command not to preach any more in the name of Jesus. When Peter heard this, he made his famous bold statement, "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye." What an amazing testimony! Peter was willing to risk his life to obey God rather than the religious leaders of his day.


I've never had to risk my life to obey God. Yet, I've been tempted to disobey God for fleeting pleasure or to gain popularity or because of peer pressure: such trifling things compared to what Peter faced. Lord, help me to faithfully obey You no matter what. Help me to stand firm on Your commandments no matter what other people will thing of me. Give me strength to withstand whatever temptations come my way. Help me like Peter to remember that it's much better to obey God than man.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Where the Lord is Working, So is Satan

In the first several chapters of the book of Acts, the Church was experiencing tremendous growth. The work of the Lord was going forward. God's army was on the march. By the power of God, Peter and John had healed a lame man. This offered them a great opportunity to preach Jesus, but wherever the Lord is working, Satan is trying to stop the work. It didn't take long for the religious leaders to come and put the apostles in prison. The battle was on. Who would win? It was only a continuation of the epic battle between good and evil, between God and Satan. This time it was between true Christians and the established religious people of the day.


This battle takes many different forms. So, what can we learn from it. First, we need to be absolutely sure that we are on the right side. Satan is very deceptive. There have been many people who have thought that they were on the right side only to find out that they were fighting God. The apostle Paul is an example. God saw that he was sincerely trying to do right and He helped Paul get his life on the right track. Let's be sincerely serving God to the best of our ability today so that God can guide us to an even closer walk with Him and God's kingdom can grow.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

What Has the Holy Spirit Done in my Life?

I've just read the beginning of Acts 2 and I was again amazed by the power displayed at the first coming of the Holy Spirit. There was the sound of a mighty wind, tongues of fire, and preaching that could be heard in multiple languages at once. What an amazing display of power! It then made me wonder, do I allow the Spirit to work in my life as powerfully as He would like? Am I limiting the power of God in my life. What more could I be doing for God if I would only follow His leading. There was no wind and fire when I received the Holy Spirit, but did I allow that wind to cleanse my heart and was I set on fire for God? Am I still on fire for God, or am I only smoldering?


Lord, revive the fire in my life. Help me not to grow cold in my Christian life. Help me to boldly reach others for You. Help me to be ready to share a word for You. Help me not to be ashamed to be a Christian. May my life be a reflection of Christ, my Master.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

God Answers Prayer

God answers prayer and many times, He goes above and beyond what we were even asking for. In Acts 12:5, Peter was in prison. The other disciples had gathered together to pray for him. Likely they prayed that he would remain faithful until death which seemed imminent. It doesn't seem that they were praying for his deliverance, because when he came to the door or where they were praying, they didn't even believe it was him. God is amazing! He can do more than we are able to ask or think.


Lord help me to never doubt your abilities. Help me to pray and believe that You will answer. Help me to be willing to take whatever answer to prayer you give. Help me to trust my life to you completely and then stand back and be amazed by what You can do.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace

Heb 4:16

Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.


We are here instructed to come boldly to the throne of grace. Why? Because we can trust in the way of salvation that Jesus has opened for us. It has nothing to do with our merit. We have nothing in ourselves that we can feel proud of. Jesus didn't see any merit in us that caused Him to provide us a way to be saved. It's only by His saving grace that we have this wonderful opportunity. So, we can come boldly, but will He here and understand our needs? We are allowed to petition the Almighty God of the Universe, but can he understand our trifling needs and troubles? Of course! He has created us. He understands us better than we understand ourselves. He even suffered just as we do during His life here on earth. He knows what we're feeling and He wants to help us. Al we need to do is ask.


Lord, help me to avail myself of the wonderful privilege to come to you. Help me to come to You often. Help me to be humbled by Your greatness and by Your willingness to condescend to listen to the prayers of Your people. Thank You for listening and help me to learn to speak. Help me, even more to learn to listen when You speak.