Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What the Bible Says About Paying Taxes

Today is the last day of 2008 and it is fitting that we have come to the end of Matthew 17 that talks about how Jesus paid His taxes. The tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid taxes. (These were the temple taxes that were for the maintenance of the temple.) It seems that they would have been willing to let Jesus off because they saw Him as a great Prophet. Peter told them that, yes, Jesus did pay taxes. After Jesus came into the house, He told Peter to go fishing. The first fish that he caught would have a piece of money in its mouth that would be sufficient to pay the taxes for Peter and Jesus.


There are a number of lessons that we can learn from this passage. Jesus could have refused to pay tax for several reasons. He was the Son of God and was superior to the temple. He was the object of true temple worship. He also could have refused because of the extreme corruption of the temple system. He called it a den of thieves at one time. He harshly criticized the Scribes and Pharisees. Yet, He humbly paid the tax. We should be doing the same. Our government may be corrupt. Our money may be wasted. Yet, we are commanded to be subject to our government and pay them their dues. So, we should willingly pay just as Christ did.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Faith As a Grain of Mustard Seed

A man came to Jesus begging Him to heal his son, who was a lunatic. Jesus saw immediately that the root problem was that a devil possessed this boy. So, He rebuked the devil and it departed from the boy, and he was immediately healed. But, the disciples were baffled. They had tried to cast the devil out of this boy and they were unsuccessful. Jesus explained to them that they were lacking in faith. They needed to have faith as a grain of mustard seed. Their faith could be ever so small as long as it was sincere and it would be successful in the greatest endeavors.


It is not our faith that can do wonders. It is the power of God. It is not the greatness of our faith, but the greatness of God's power. It is our level of faith and trust in God that enables us to be successful. Jesus very clearly explained that. Jesus also mentioned that this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting. Sometimes, when we face special difficulties in life, it will take extra prayer and fasting to win the victory. God expects us to rely on Him in hard times. It's not that we move God to action by our much prayer and fasting. The truth is that we ourselves become more ready for what God wants when we pray and fast. Lord, help me to surrender my life completely to You. Help me to be prepared for whatever it is You want me to do. Help me to know when I should be praying and fasting. Help me to be a tool in Your hand for whatever You want done.

Monday, December 29, 2008

This is My Beloved Son… Here Ye Him

Peter, James and John were in the mountain with Jesus at His transfiguration. Peter thought it was so good there that they should build tabernacles and stay there. But, God said, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased; here ye Him."


God is still calling us to hear Jesus today. There are many distracting voices that can drown out the quiet voice of Jesus calling us to hear Him. We can be buried by our work. We have concerns about providing for a family our building our career. We may have friends that are calling us away from Jesus. We may be depressed by world events. But, Jesus is still calling us in a still, small voice. He wants us to walk the road less traveled. He wants us to walk with Him. He wants us to walk the road to heaven. Sometimes that road may be hard. Usually, that road isn't very glamorous, but it is the only right way. So, throughout your busy day, listen and you will hear Christ calling.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Children, A Dwelling Place for the Living God

Saturday, December 27, 2008


In the end of Matthew chapter 16, Jesus speaks to His disciples about what is truly important in life. He stresses the importance of denying ourselves and taking up His cross. He doesn't promise us an easy life if we follow Him. He only promises us and eternal reward. The life of a Christian on earth will be a life of cross bearing. The only way to gain eternal life in heaven is to surrender our lives here on earth. Some Christians literally lose their lives for the faith. Others must live a life of surrender to Christ. There is also another option that Jesus mentions. We can keep our lives for our own and live for ourselves here in this life, but that will mean eternal loss and doom. It's not worth it. Jesus said that one soul is worth more than the whole world. Many a man has given us his soul to gain worldly fame, prestige, or wealth, but that man has made a grave mistake. He has given up true, everlasting life is exchange for temporary good in this life. What a shame!


Lord, help me to keep my life in perspective. Help me to see the true value of my soul and not be willing to exchange it for anything here on this earth. Help me to see the value of the souls of people around me. Help me not to value earthly gain more than reaching out to help some troubled soul. Help me to always put Your work first and temporal things next. Help me not to be caught up in making money or enjoying life so much that Your work suffers. Help me to keep my priorities just as You would have them.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Whom Say Ye That I Am?

As Jesus was talking with His disciples one day, He asked them whom men say that He is. They told Him that some called Him Elijah and others John the Baptist. Then He asked them, "Whom say ye that I am?" Peter boldly answered, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" Jesus commended Peter for the answer and also gave him promises about the church.


Next, Jesus went on to tell the disciples about how He would be taken to Jerusalem and killed. Peter began to rebuke Jesus and tell Him that it shouldn't be so, but Jesus said, "Get the behind me Satan." He told Peter that his priorities were wrong and that he didn't savor the things of God. So quickly Jesus went from commending Peter to telling him that he was saying things from Satan. That can happen to us sometimes too. We make a great victory for God. We feel very confident and in control. Yet, Satan can use that very confidence to trip us up and cause us to stumble. Lord, thank You for the mountaintop experiences, the boldness and courage that You give. Help me to build on those strengths, yet continue to rely on You Who is the One Who gives strength. Help me not to become self-confident. Help me to be confident through Your power. Help me in those times to be extra aware of temptation.


1 Cor 10:12

"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jesus Thoughts on Tradition

It all started when the Pharisees criticized the disciples for not washing their hands before they ate. This may seem like a reasonable concern, but it was more than that. Ritual washings were something that was commanded by the elders. It was an established tradition that they held on par with or even above God's Laws. For this reason, Jesus take issue with the tradition. He gave them examples of times where they had overrode God's Laws with their traditions and He criticizes them harshly for this. Not only were they disobeying God's Laws themselves, but they were also teaching other people that way as well. He exposed their hypocrisy for what it really was.


Lord, help me to remember to obey the Bible first of all and above all. Help me to remember that rules of men are only that. They should only be obeyed if they are consistent with the Bible.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Peter's Faith

After the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus sent his disciples to the other side of the Sea of Galilee in a ship while he sent the people away and then went up into the mountain to pray. But, they soon encountered a storm. They tried in vain to continue to the other side, but the struggle was in vain. Jesus, knowing what they were struggling with, had pity on them and came to them walking on the water. Their first reaction was fear. The thought they were seeing some type of apparition, but Jesus spoke to them and told them not to be afraid. Peter said, "If it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water," and Jesus said, "Come." So, Peter began walking to Jesus on the water. In an amazing miracle, Peter was also able to walk on the water as long as he kept his focus on Jesus, but when he saw the wind and the waves, he became afraid. He began to sink. He cried out to Jesus, "Lord, save me," and Jesus reached out His hand and saved him. Jesus then reproved Peter for his lack of faith.


It made me wonder how often Jesus is disappointed with my faith. How often does he call me to walk on water and I won't even get out of the boat? How often do I take my eyes off Him and look and the boisterous wind and waves? How many opportunities have I missed because I wasn't willing to speak to a sinner? Lord, forgive me for my unbelief and give me a stronger faith to trust You unconditionally. Help me to stay in touch with you through prayer so that when the trials of my faith come, I am strong and ready to serve You unflinchingly.

Monday, December 22, 2008

He Was Moved with Compassion

When Jesus heard about the death of John the Baptist, He took a ship into a desert place to be alone, but it was not to be. The people followed Him on foot and this was no small crowd. There were 5,000 men besides women and children. Jesus didn't run away and hide. He was moved with compassion. He saw their needs and He desired to fulfill those needs. He healed the sick and later fed them all by a miracle.


I am amazed by Jesus' compassion. He was so unselfish. He focused on the needs of others and not of Himself. He didn't tell them to go away because He was grieving for John. He selflessly gave of Himself to help them, and that is the story of His life. In the final moment of His life, He committed the ultimate sacrifice: God Himself dying to save us from eternal destruction.


How is my life being like Jesus? Am I willing to give of myself like Jesus did? Am I too busy to stop and help the stranded motorist? Am I willing to stop and buy the hungry beggar a sandwich? Do I share the Gospel with the discouraged person I meet? Do I take the time and effort to encourage my brother or sister in the church who's had a rough time? Am I really living a sacrificial life? Or, am I so absorbed in myself and my own troubles that I don't even notice the needs of others. Do I live so selfishly that there's no money left to give to those in need? Lord, help me to have the compassion that You have. Help me not to look down on sinners and needy people in my life. Help me to realize that it is only by your grace that I am not in that situation myself. Help me to be thankful for all that You have given to me and be willing to share with as many people as possible.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Three Mysterious Influences in the Home

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Murder Because of Peer Pressure

The beginning of Matthew 14 describes a scene of sin and debauchery. It all started when Herod took his brother's wife. John the Baptist warned Herod that this was wrong. So, Herod put him in prison. It seems that he would have killed John, but he feared the people. They respected him as a prophet sent from God. So, John languished in Prison for a year and a half. Then it was Herod's birthday. During the celebration his daughter danced for them and Herod was so pleased by it that he promised to give her whatever she wanted. She want and asked her mother what she should ask for. Her mother told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. Herod honored her wish because he had made an oath to her and because of all the people sitting nearby.


What a weak king. He gave in to his daughter's / wife's evil wish because of peer pressure. First of all, he should never have made such a rash promise, but even more so, he should never have honored such a sinister request. But, before we are to o hard on Herod, let's look at our own lives. How often have we given in to sinful pleasures because we were with our friends. How often have we been silent when we should have reproved those we were with because of their actions. How often have we failed to witness to someone who needed it because we were afraid of what other people would think. Let's boldly stand for Christ no matter what other people think so that we never get to the point that we would commit a murder for peer pressure.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Kingdom Parables

In Matthew 13:24, Jesus begins the first of a number of short parables about the kingdom of heaven. Reading these challenged me to consider what I am doing with my life. I can be producing fruit for God and be the wheat that he wants me to be, or I can be a worthless tare, living for my own selfish pleasure. I can sow to the devil and reap eternal punishment, or I can sow for God and reap everlasting life. I can be a part of an unseen, yet all-powerful kingdom: the kingdom of God. I can sell my entire life out for God and get in return that priceless pearl, or I can serve Satan and he will take my entire life and ruin it. Where will I be in that great judgment day when all the fish are taken from the net and sorted. Will my life be found worthy of God's approval?


Lord, help me to remember the importance of serving You through my entire life. Give me strength to serve You unconditionally. Help me not to be distracted by the cares of this world. Help me remember the eternal reward we will receive for a life of service to You. Help me not to lose sight of that. I pray that You would give me the strength to remain faithful to You until You call me home to heaven.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Parable of the Sower

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a story about a man who went out to plant seed in his field. In the custom of that time, he would fling the seed around over the field, but not all of it fell on the nice fertile ground. Some seed fell on the pathway along the edge of the field. The birds immediately ate this seed. Other seed fell on stony ground and it began to grow, but it didn't last long because it didn't have any depth of ground to grow in. Still other seed fell among thorns, but the thorns choked the life out of the good seed. Best of all, some seed fell on good ground and it grew and produced fruit, some more and some less.


This story challenged me to examine my life. What kind of ground is my life. Am I the wayside that is so hardened to truth that it never really penetrates my life? I have gone to church all my life. I have gone to a Christian school. I have Christian parents. Have I heard so much Bible teaching that I've become hardened to it? Or, am I like the stony ground? I get excited when I learn new Bible truths or hear of some new opportunity to serve God, but does by zeal last? Sometimes I feel like the thorny ground. I hear God's Word, but I am so busy with work and life in general that the Word gets choked out. Maybe I'm distracted during church by thinking about my plans for the coming week, or I read my Bible and my mind isn't really on what I'm reading. Lord, help me to be like the good ground. Help me to hear your Word with gladness and respond by bringing forth fruit for You. Help me not to let Your Word get choked out by the cares of this life. Help me to open to whatever You have for my life.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Quiet, Ordered Life

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Train Up a Child