Thursday, March 06, 2008

Jeremiah 49 - Put Your Trust in God

I apologize for failing to post yesterday. I took my computer to work and forgot to bring it home again.

In chapter 49, God continues his pronouncement of judgment on sinful nations. He mentions two nations that were powerful and felt very secure: Edom and Assyria. God said that no matter how they felt they were safe, they would be destroyed. Edom was built in the mountains and was thought to be invincible, but when God says something will happen, mountains cannot stop him. He made the mountains! Damascus, the capital of Assyria was also a very strong city, but God said that it would be destroyed also.

We may feel secure today for a variety of reasons: insurance, retirement plan, good job, healthy income, family, or church. But, God wants us to get our security from Him. If we are getting our security else ware, we can be sure that we will be disappointed. Insurance rates go up, retirement investments go bad, jobs get downsized, accidents happen, income stops, families die, churches fail, but God is always constant. If we serve Him, He will always be there for us. His Word never fails. There is nothing that gets out of control for Him. He has absolute power and unlimited knowledge. What a great God to serve!

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