Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lamentations 2 When People Go Wrong

In Chapter 2, Jeremiah continues to sorrow for his people. After all, this is Lamentations. However, I find it amazing that he does sorrow. These are the people who persecuted him. They put him in jail. They threw him into the bottom of an empty well. They disobeyed his word. They refused to believe him. Yet, he tirelessly preached God's judgments. He could have rejoiced over their destruction. He could have said, "See, I told you so." He could have been like Jonah when he preached the destruction on Ninevah. He just couldn't wait to see it destroyed and then he pouted when the people repented. Not Jeremiah, he truly wanted the people to repent. He sorrowed greatly after the fall of Jerusalem. He portrays the pain and suffering in graphic terms. He had a heart like God's heart. He cared about his people.

We may sometimes be in a similar situation to Jeremiah. We may warn people or tell them what they should do. Then, how do we respond when they suffer for not listening to us? It's the easiest thing to gloat and tell them that they should have listened to us, but that's no way to win friends or win people to Jesus. If we show true love and compassion, we will have a much better chance of winning them

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