Friday, March 21, 2008

John 6

This chapter contains the wonderful story of the feeding of the 5,000. What an amazing miracle! Jesus fed 5,000 men, besides women and children, from one boy's lunch, but Jesus wasn't only interested in feeding people's physical hunger. He wanted to quench the spiritual hunger in them. He told them that they should not follow Him only to be fed with loaves and fishes. He wanted them to understand deep spiritual truths. So, the next day, He told them that they should feed on Him and they would never hunger again. As He lives within us, we can experience constant filling and never be hungry for inner satisfaction and fulfillment again. Christ fills our lives and lives within us providing strength for the duties He has called us to.


What are you feeding on today? Is it the husks of the world like the prodigal son, or are you feeding on our Lord Jesus Christ and His Words? Are you satisfied or do you have a constant hunger that can never be fulfilled? Are you feeding on the Living Bread?

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