Friday, March 07, 2008

Jeremiah 50 God Punishes Babylon

Jeremiah has been declaring judgment on all the surrounding nations, but now he turns to Babylon, the great empire that conquered all these other nations. He tells the Chaldeans that they too will be destroyed. A country will come from the North and take them off the map. Their land would become a barren wilderness. No one will live there forever. The reason? They had touched God's people. Even though their capture of Judea was a just reward for their sins, God still cared about His people and punished Babylon for taking them captive.

God still cares about us that much. As we live for Him, we are His people and he protects us too. He may choose to allow circumstances that we do not enjoy, but He always has our good in mind. He may chasten us when we do wrong, but it is for our good. So, remember that whatever you may be facing right now. God is still looking out for you.

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