Prov 3:6
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
We live in a world that almost universally fails to acknowledge God for who He is. Almost the only thing that God gets credit for are natural disasters. They're called "acts of God." Just think of all the wonderfully good things that God does and they're called freaks of nature or the result of a long evolutionary process. As we live in this world that has failed to acknowledge God, we should be pointing people to God by our lives. We should be thanking God for all He's done in our lives. We should not be taking credit to ourselves for our accomplishments. It's only God who has allowed us to do these things. Let's give Him the honor.
The last phrase of the verse is the best part. If acknowledge God, He will direct our paths. What a blessed way to lives! Who better would there be to have in charge of our lives? God, who cares enough about us to save us from our sins, God, who created us and understands us in the greatest possible detail, God, who is the almighty Master of the universe wants to direct our lives if we will only let Him. Wow, I'm so amazed that He cares enough about me to direct my paths. I desire the humility and the obedience to have God direct my life.