Saturday, June 27, 2009

Find the Knowledge of God

Proverbs 2:5


Man has been pursuing knowledge throughout history. Yet, he never seems satisfied. His search is never complete until he finds the knowledge of God. Yet, most people do not realize that they need the knowledge of God. They deny that God even exists. They try to find knowledge through studying nature, but when nature points them to God, they ignore it. Many times, they start with a false assumption: that there is no higher power. This leads them to many false conclusions: man is not responsible for his own actions. Life began all by itself. We are not responsible to obey anyone. No wonder there are so many problems in our world!


The only way to find the knowledge of God is to learn from God. He is eager to teach us. He wants the best for us. He desires to save us and bring us closer to Himself. Lord, help me to be willing to learn from You. Help me to spread this knowledge I've learned. Help me to be a beacon for You here on this earth.

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