Monday, June 01, 2009

The Church of Laodicea

As I read Jesus address to the church at Laodicea, I was deeply challenged. It seemed to be a picture of the church today in many ways. These people were very wealthy and they didn't think that they needed anything. They were self-sufficient and they thought that the could do everything on their own, but Jesus had nothing but scathing rebukes for them. He told them that, in His sight, they were poor, miserable, blind and naked. Their spiritual life was lukewarm. It was nothing more than an outward show. I believe that this is the condition of much of Christianity to day. So, how can I take the high road and not fall into this trap of self-sufficiency? How can learn to rely on God and not myself?


Lord, help me not to let all the blessings that You've given me, hinder my relationship with You. Help me to remember that everything I have comes from You. Help me not to take credit to myself for anything that I have done. Help me to give You all the glory. Help me to use these blessings to enrich Your kingdom. Help me to learn to lay up treasures in heaven and not here on earth. Lord, increase my faith!

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