Thursday, July 30, 2009

Boast not Thyself of Tomorrow

We live a very scheduled life. We plan things ahead, and that is good. However, we must always remember that God has our lives planned and He may change our plans. God is all-powerful. We are not. God is all-knowing. We are not. We must always remember not to boast of tomorrow. We don't know what's coming. God may have something different planned. So, let's always remember that God is in control.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Love Your Enemies

Prov 25:21-22


21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:


22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the LORD shall reward thee.



When is the last time you helped your enemy? You may say, "But, I don't have any enemies." In that case, we should think about it a bit more. Just think about that person who constantly annoys you, that person that you have a very difficult time getting along with or that person who just rubs you the wrong way. That's the kind of people this verse is talking about. We all have those people in our lives. Solomon is telling us that we need to be kind to even those people. How well do you do? How well do I do?


Lord, help me to be kind to everyone: even those that are hard to get along with. Help me to be willing to put aside my pride and serve them as I should. Help me to heap coals of fire on their head and maybe even win them as a friend.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Righteous Giveth and Spareth Not

The Bible says that the righteous give without sparing. Am I righteous? Are you? We, as humans, are naturally selfish. We don't want to share. We think that we deserve what we have because we have worked for it. We should get to enjoy what we have earned. But, that is not right! God has given us everything that we have. He has given us all our talents, our minds, and our abilities. Nothing we have is to our own credit. We have no reason to boast. Thus, we should be willing to share God's blessings around. We have no good reason to hoard what God has blessed us with. We should willingly be giving our time and money to help other people. God did not give us all these blessings to consume on ourselves. He wants us to share. This is how we will receive the biggest blessing of all.


Lord, help me to give without sparing. Help me to be generous with the things that You have given me. Help me to find true satisfaction in sacrificial living. Help me to live my life for You and for the benefit of others.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

He That Loveth Pleasure Shall Be a Poor Man

We are in a world that lives for leisure. They work hard all week to take the weekend off. They live for pleasure. Solomon tells us that this is not a good idea and will make us poor. God tells us that living for ourselves in not fulfilling. It seems like it would be and it may bring satisfaction for a short time, but living selfishly is like an addiction. It just calls for more and more. We can never be satisfied. Just think of all the good that could be done in the world if people gave a small portion of what they spend on themselves to help need people. Just think how many starving people could be fed. What a blessing it would be! And, it would bring them more satisfaction than spending it on themselves.


Lord, help me to remember that spending money on me does not bring true happiness. Help me to be generous in my giving and thrifty when spending for recreation. Help me to live my entire life for your glory.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Proud Heart…Is Sin

We live in a world where pride is encouraged. We are told to be proud of our accomplishments and proud of our children. We have pride in our work and very few people think twice about it, but God tells us that pride is sin. There are no two ways about it. A certain level of satisfaction in a job well done is healthy, but our society has taken it way too far. The issue is this: if we are proud of something we have done, we are taking away glory that belongs to God and keeping it for ourselves. God has given us everything we have. So, there is no reason for us to be proud. God wants us to praise Him for the abilities that He has given us. Let's remember to praise God next time we are tempted to be proud.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Man That Hath Friends Must Show Himself Friendly

We all know that it is a good thing to be friendly, but what does that really mean. How can we be friendly in our everyday lives? Well, it covers a very broad range. Here is a list I came up with:

  1. Greet people we meet.
  2. Talk to people even if we dislike them.
  3. Help people in need.
  4. Be willing to give a listening ear to a friend in trouble.
  5. Share the Gospel with those we meet.
  6. Help your spouse with their work.
  7. Teach your children to be friendly.

    This is not an exhaustive list, but it should get us thinking. It should help us to be friendlier today than we were yesterday. Lord, thank You for the friends that I have. Help me to be friendlier to those around me just as Jesus was.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

He That Hath Knowledge Spareth Words

I had to think of the adage, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." If we are truly wise, we will be careful how much we speak. We will realize that we don't have to share every bit of knowledge that we have. A wise person realizes that there is always more to learn. So, they spend more time listening than speaking. There is a reason that God gave us two ears and only one mouth. The 2 to 1 listening to speaking ratio is a good guide.


Lord, help me to be willing to listen and learn more than I speak. Help me to be humble enough to learn from everyone. Help me not to be too proud to accept reproof, and help me to listen, learn and speak for Your glory.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Lord Hath Made all Things for Himself

This is a very basic, yet important, concept. Everything that God made is for His glory. The universe glorifies God and we should too. The plants and animals bring praise to God by performing as He created them. We as humans can choose whether or not we want to glorify God, but one thing is sure: we will be much better off if we do what God has created us to do. So, how can we glorify God? There are many good things that we can do: give to charities, donate our time, and raise our children for Him. While these are good things, what God really wants is a heart and life that is surrendered to Him. He wants us, not just our time and money. Anyone can give time and money to a good cause, but it takes a truly extraordinary person to give their life to God's service. But, what does that really mean? It means that every area of our life is affected by God's service. It means that we are willing to take time out of our busy schedule to witness for God. It means we are willing to help someone in need even at an inconvenient time. God's service isn't done on our schedule but on His. Let's live every day for God and remember that He made us for Himself and He will reward us if we live for Him.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Better is Little

Prov 15:16

Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.



We live in a culture where wealth is king and people believe that enough money can buy them anything. Many people worship the rich and try to become rich themselves. We work long, stressful hours so that we can afford expensive toys and vacations so that we can recover from our stressful job. When the vacation is over, we go back to work as hard as ever to pay it off. What is wrong with this picture? God is calling us to contentment with a little in life. If we fear the Lord, and obey Him, we'll realize what is really important in life. We don't have to run on the hamster wheel. We don't need to keep up with the Jones's. God calls us to contentment where we are. He also wants us to give time to Him in service. He wants us to take time to be with our family.


Lord, help me to keep my priorities right. Help me to be content with what I have. Help me to remember that things that are truly important in my life and take time for them as I should.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Slow to Wrath

Prov 14:29

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.



This is something I covet. I want to learn to be slower to wrath. I want to learn to keep an even keel. I want to learn not to be upset when things don't go my way. I want to have better attitudes toward those that annoy me. According to this verse, I would be wise to not get angry easily. How is that done? Should I take anger management classes? Should I learn yoga? Should I stop relating to people? No, none of these things will really work. The best way to control our anger is to let God's Holy Spirit control our lives. When we allow Him to control us, we can be free of the bondage of serving ourselves. When God is in control, anger must go. When God is in control, our lives are in control because God never changes. What a blessing! Lord, please control my life so that I can live for You and be slow to anger.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Good Word

Prov 12:25

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.



How many times have you felt unhappy and a someone gave you a little encouragement and it made your day? Words are powerful things and God holds us accountable for what we say. We can tear people down or build them up by the words that we say to them. God wants us to use words for good. We should be speaking positive things, not negative. We should be building up the people around us. The other benefit is that positive people attract other positive people. In this way, we can be encouraged by the positive people around us when we feel discouraged.


Lord, help me to be encouraging to the people around me. Help me to make people's hearts glad by a good word. Help me to be a positive influence in the world and point people to You.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Loving Instruction

Prov 12:1

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.



We all know that knowledge is good. We all want to know more, but are we willing to learn? Can we learn from other people. Can we learn from their advice, their experience, and yes, even their mistakes? Human nature tells us that we know best and no one else can tell us what to do, but that is no way to learn. We will remain ignorant if we are unwilling to learn.


Lord, help me to be willing to learn from others. Help me to be humble enough to take correction. Help me to be kind in giving advice to others, and help me to use what I learn to your honor and glory.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Liberal Soul

Proverbs 11:24-25


24 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.


25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.



I was challenged when I read these verses this morning. God blesses the liberal soul. God wants us to be generous and sharing. If we are, He will bless us for it. There are many ways that we can share with those around us. We can give them a listening ear. We can give our money. We can help them with their work. We can give an encouraging word. These are all ways that we can be liberal with the things that God has given to us. If we remember that everything we have comes from God, it will help us be more willing to share. Sharing should be an everyday experience. We should be living an unselfish life every day. Giving is a lifestyle, not something that we do on Sunday morning.


Lord, help me to be liberal with all the things that You've given me. Help me to remember that nothing I have is really mine. Help me not to be selfish but to share with others at every opportunity.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Riches Shall Not Profit in the Day of Wrath

We live in a day when wealth can get you almost anything. It can get you a good lawyer that can get you out of trouble with the law. It can buy friends and fame. It can buy you a good life and a wife. There is almost nothing that you can't buy with enough money (except happiness). So, there are many people that believe that money can buy anything and maybe even favor with God. They believe that giving to some good cause will buy them favor with God, but Solomon tells us otherwise. In the great judgment day, money will be gone. Everyone from the pauper to the President will stand before God and neither one will have any preference. God is no respecter of persons. The rich man will not have his lawyer and God will judge justly by the deeds each one has committed.


Lord, help me to remember that money cannot buy favor with You. Help me to live a life and use the money You have given me for your honor and glory. Help me to remember that I will be judged by what I have done here in this life. Help me to live it for You.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

What is Acceptable

Prov 10:32

The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh frowardness.



We as Christians should know what is acceptable to say. This can apply to many areas of life. We need to learn what is kind, respectful, caring, understanding, loving, and true. Jesus was the perfect example of this. He had just the right words for every situation. He was always kind and gentle to the repentant sinners. Yet, He had some very strong words for the religious hypocrites of His day. How did He do this? First, He was God. We, too, have God, the Holy Spirit, dwelling in our lives to help us know what to say. Second, He was unselfish. He cared more about the people He was dealing with than His own comfort. He wasn't worried about His reputation. He stood for what's right unconditionally. He also wanted what was best for people. He really cared about their souls. We need to do our very best with the power of the Holy Spirit to live by faith and speak what is acceptable to God.

Monday, July 06, 2009

When Pride Cometh, Then Cometh Shame

Time and again our society tells us to proud of our accomplishments, proud of our country, proud of our children and proud of our job. This is supposed to support a healthy self esteem and so on. Yet, nowhere in the Bible can I find any admonition to be proud. Instead the Bible repeatedly, and in very harsh words, condemns pride in its many forms. Instead of pride, it calls for humility. Instead of praising ourselves, we should be praising God. Instead of basking in the compliments of men, we should be giving the glory to God. After all, He's the one who gave us our money, our abilities, and our talents. Nothing that we can do merits taking any glory to ourselves. I believe that it is right to feel a sense of accomplishment in a job well done, but pride is going too far. God condemns it as an abomination, and, if we look at it, we can see why. God has done everything for us. Without Him, we are nothing. When we take praise and glory for our accomplishments, we are cheating Him out of the glory that He rightfully deserves.


Lord, help me not to be proud for any reason. Help me to give You all the glory for everything that You've done in my life. Give me the humility to serve You without praise. Help me to look forward to heaven as my reward for a life of service.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Blessing of the Lord, It Maketh Rich

How wonderful it is to live in the blessing of the Lord! What would we do without it? He gives us our very life. He died to give us salvation. He's given us everything that we have. We should be giving our entire lives back to him in thankfulness.


Lord, help me to remember that without Your blessings, I am nothing. Help me to give my life in service for you. Help me to remember that everything I am and have comes from You. Help me to remember how rich I really am, living in Your blessing.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Rebuke a Wise Man and He Will Love Thee

This phrase in Proverbs 9 was a challenge to me. Am I a wise man? Do I appreciate criticism? Am I willing to learn from rebuke? It isn't easy to take a rebuke to heart, especially if it's given in a derogatory manner. I find myself bristling when I am criticized. I tend to want to criticize in return, but that's not the right way to handle it. If someone rebukes us, we should examine ourselves to see if it is true and adjust our life accordingly.


Lord, help me to be able to take rebukes humbly. Help me to use it as a stepping stone in my life and not a stumbling block. Help me not to resent the rebuke or the person who gave it.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Go to the Ant

I Proverbs 6:6, Solomon tells us to go to the ant to learn to be industrious. This is a powerful lesson from such a small creature, but I think there is a bigger lesson here. The ant is small and insignificant, yet we can learn from it. So it is throughout our entire life. We can learn much from anyone. In fact, there is no one that we cannot learn from. Sometimes the things we learn are negative lessons from people who have made mistakes. Often, we can learn good habits and traits even from bad people. So, before you throw away some piece of advice or criticism because you feel the person isn't qualified to give it, think, can I learn from this person? Does he have a valid point?


Lord, help me to look past the person who's criticizing me to the issue itself. Help me to be able to learn from anyone. Give me the humility to realize that I might be wrong and they could be right. Help me to always work to live for You.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Keep Thy Heart with all Diligence

Prov 4:23

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.



What a basic, yet powerful, command! Solomon advises us to diligently keep our heart. Keep it how? Keep it from wrong thoughts, keep it from sin and keep it in love with God. First we need to guard our thoughts, because thoughts will produce actions. We also need to watch our actions to be sure that they all bring glory to God and not to ourselves. We also need to keep our hearts in tune with God by prayer, Bible reading and obedient service to God.


Lord, help me to diligently keep my heart for You. Help me, by Your Spirit's power, to remain pure and wholly devoted to You. Guard my eyes, my thoughts and my actions. Give me the strength to stand against what is wrong. Help me to allow Your power and blessing to flow from my life into the lives of those around me.