Monday, July 06, 2009

When Pride Cometh, Then Cometh Shame

Time and again our society tells us to proud of our accomplishments, proud of our country, proud of our children and proud of our job. This is supposed to support a healthy self esteem and so on. Yet, nowhere in the Bible can I find any admonition to be proud. Instead the Bible repeatedly, and in very harsh words, condemns pride in its many forms. Instead of pride, it calls for humility. Instead of praising ourselves, we should be praising God. Instead of basking in the compliments of men, we should be giving the glory to God. After all, He's the one who gave us our money, our abilities, and our talents. Nothing that we can do merits taking any glory to ourselves. I believe that it is right to feel a sense of accomplishment in a job well done, but pride is going too far. God condemns it as an abomination, and, if we look at it, we can see why. God has done everything for us. Without Him, we are nothing. When we take praise and glory for our accomplishments, we are cheating Him out of the glory that He rightfully deserves.


Lord, help me not to be proud for any reason. Help me to give You all the glory for everything that You've done in my life. Give me the humility to serve You without praise. Help me to look forward to heaven as my reward for a life of service.

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