Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Lord Hath Made all Things for Himself

This is a very basic, yet important, concept. Everything that God made is for His glory. The universe glorifies God and we should too. The plants and animals bring praise to God by performing as He created them. We as humans can choose whether or not we want to glorify God, but one thing is sure: we will be much better off if we do what God has created us to do. So, how can we glorify God? There are many good things that we can do: give to charities, donate our time, and raise our children for Him. While these are good things, what God really wants is a heart and life that is surrendered to Him. He wants us, not just our time and money. Anyone can give time and money to a good cause, but it takes a truly extraordinary person to give their life to God's service. But, what does that really mean? It means that every area of our life is affected by God's service. It means that we are willing to take time out of our busy schedule to witness for God. It means we are willing to help someone in need even at an inconvenient time. God's service isn't done on our schedule but on His. Let's live every day for God and remember that He made us for Himself and He will reward us if we live for Him.

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