Monday, July 13, 2009

A Good Word

Prov 12:25

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.



How many times have you felt unhappy and a someone gave you a little encouragement and it made your day? Words are powerful things and God holds us accountable for what we say. We can tear people down or build them up by the words that we say to them. God wants us to use words for good. We should be speaking positive things, not negative. We should be building up the people around us. The other benefit is that positive people attract other positive people. In this way, we can be encouraged by the positive people around us when we feel discouraged.


Lord, help me to be encouraging to the people around me. Help me to make people's hearts glad by a good word. Help me to be a positive influence in the world and point people to You.

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