Thursday, July 09, 2009

Riches Shall Not Profit in the Day of Wrath

We live in a day when wealth can get you almost anything. It can get you a good lawyer that can get you out of trouble with the law. It can buy friends and fame. It can buy you a good life and a wife. There is almost nothing that you can't buy with enough money (except happiness). So, there are many people that believe that money can buy anything and maybe even favor with God. They believe that giving to some good cause will buy them favor with God, but Solomon tells us otherwise. In the great judgment day, money will be gone. Everyone from the pauper to the President will stand before God and neither one will have any preference. God is no respecter of persons. The rich man will not have his lawyer and God will judge justly by the deeds each one has committed.


Lord, help me to remember that money cannot buy favor with You. Help me to live a life and use the money You have given me for your honor and glory. Help me to remember that I will be judged by what I have done here in this life. Help me to live it for You.

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