Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fervent in Love

Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

1 Peter 4:8

In the previous verse, Peter warns us that the end of the world is coming. He tells us that the most important thing to do is fervently love each other. There are many things we must be doing, but this is the most important. This is more than surface pleasantries. It is a deep, unfailing love. It does not go away in difficult times. It does not lessen if the other person sins. It is not a love that overlooks sin, but it sometimes makes the difficult choice to speak the truth in love. It is a love that is self-sacrificing. It is humble and treats others better than ourselves. It's the kind of love that Jesus displayed to his disciples, to people seeking truth and to the Pharisees who were openly hostile. His approach differed widely. Yet, he loved them all.

Lord, help me to have fervent love to those around me. Help me to know how to display that love to them. Help me to understand when people need encouragement, compassion, appreciation or confrontation. Help me to always forgive people who wrong me. Help me to willingly give of myself for the good of others. Help me to live out Your plan in my life. Help me to be the person that my friends, family and coworkers need me to be. Help me to honor You in it all.

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