Monday, March 04, 2013

Putting Aside

putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander,

1 Peter 2:1

This verse gives us plenty to work on in one concise package. We are to put aside:


Any evil or wickedness, anything that we would hold against someone else, God asks us to lay it down. We are to move toward Him in His goodness and holiness. The more time we spend with God, the more we will be like Him.


Any trace of dishonesty, trying to take advantage of someone else. God is truth, and He wants His people to speak truth. He wants us to be completely genuine and transparent in all we do.


Acting like something we are not, pretending to be good for nefarious reasons, trying to look good without being good. Some of the most strong, angry words of Christ were in His denouncing of the hypocrites in His day. God despises hypocrites.


Desiring what other people have, being dissatisfied with what God has given us. It is really doubting God's wisdom. It's telling God that He made a wrong decision when He decided what to give us.


Speaking evil of other people around us. It's disrespectful to them and it dishonors God. It is criticizing what God made. Every person is very special to God, and He wants us to treat them that.

Lord, help me to lay aside all these things. Help me to be completely honest and forthright. Help me to live a life of truth and holiness. Help me to be content with what You've given me. Help me to speak kindly and respectfully of others for Your glory.

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