Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Rejected by Men

a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God,

1 Peter 2:1

Jesus is our chief cornerstone, the foundation of our faith, the rock of our salvation. Yet, he has been rejected by men. The religious leaders of His day rejected Him and most people today still reject Him. But, more importantly this rock is choice and precious in the site of God, and He should be that to us too. We must value His example, treasure His words and follow His lead. He needs to be the One we depend on in good times, and the One we run to in bad times. We must keep Him as the foundation of our faith. As long as we build our lives on Him, we cannot be moved.

Yet, if we follow Him, we must expect to be rejected by many people. He was rejected, and if we follow Him faithfully, we will be too. But that won't matter because our confidence and assurance comes from God's approval, not from human approval.

Lord, help me to be founded on the rock, Christ Jesus. Help me to be firmly anchored and not swayed by people's opinion of me. Help me not to be bothered by the rejection I face. Help me to only live for Your approval.

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