Sunday, March 16, 2008

John 1

We will be going through the book of John chapter by chapter. This is a wonderful book with many deep truths. Chapter 1 begins with a description of Jesus coming into the world. Jesus is called the "Word." Just as a man's words are a manifestation of what he is. So, Jesus was displaying what God is. But, sadly, he was rejected by the people He came to save. The Light of the World was among them, and they didn't even know it. How terrible! The God of the Universe was made flesh and walked on this earth and they refused to even listen to Him. It then goes on to speak about John the Baptist who was sent to prepare a way for Jesus. He preached. He baptized, and he pointed people to Jesus. He refused to take honor for himself. He pointed everyone to Jesus.

God has made a wonderful provision of salvation for us. Are we accepting this great miracle or do we, like the people in Jesus' day, reject this grand provision? Are we, like John, giving God all the glory for everything in our lives, or are we taking the glory ourselves and robbing God of His rightful dues?

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