Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blessed Are Those Who Are Not Spiritually Arrogant

Blessed are the poor in spirit (those who are not spiritually arrogant), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

As I read this passage this morning, I wondered what a person who is poor in spirit it like. So, I checked the footnote. It said, "those who are not spiritually arrogant." That really opened my understanding of this verse. I had to wonder, am I spiritually arrogant? Am I proud of my spiritual accomplishments? Do I look down on others who are not as far along on their spiritual journey as I am?

Or, am I like Jesus: humble, meek, lowly and serving? Jesus preached boldly and powerfully. Yet, it was never beneath His dignity to to reach out and help a prostitute or someone possessed by devils. He was ready and willing to have lunch with a despised tax collector no matter what it would do to His reputation.

Lord, help me to be poor in spirit. Help me to live like Jesus. Help me not to despise anyone in my heart. Help me to be a servant.

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