Thursday, February 19, 2009

He That Endures Will Be Saved

Jesus was foretelling all the terrible things that would happen around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem and also the end of time. He paints a very dark picture in our minds. All kinds of terrible things happen. Many people are deceived and drawn away from the faith. Yet Matthew 24:13 is a bright spot amid all this trouble: "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." It would appear that we are living in the end times that Jesus prophesied. Many of His prophecies are coming true. There are wars and unrest in many places. Earthquakes and natural disasters are becoming more frequent. Apostasy is rampant in churches around the world, but we don't need to be troubled by all this. We can have confidence that if we endure, we will be saved. We cannot do it on our own strength. There is no way we could endure without the Holy Spirit in our lives. So, let's keep our eyes focused on heaven and remember to rely on God for strength to endure to the end.

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