Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jesus Died and Rose Again!

I've just read the last chapters of Matthew (Jesus' death and resurrection), and I am just overwhelmed by what Jesus did for me. He endured the agony of knowing what was about to happen to Him. His disciples didn't understand. He had no earthly friends who truly sympathized, but He trusted in God, His Father. One of the twelve betrayed Him to be killed. At the most crucial moment His disciples all fled. Peter denied that he even knew Jesus. His own people, the Jews, had Him condemned to death. After an extremely cruel trial, He was hung on a cross to die. What love! What sacrifice for me! Jesus went through all this so that we could enjoy the joys of heaven and be saved from our sins. But, this isn't the end of the story. Jesus was put in a tomb. After three days, he rose again. He had allowed the Roman soldiers to take Him, but this time He showed His real power. The soldiers could do nothing to keep Him in the grave. With that same power, we can have victory over sin. No one can keep us from reaching heaven if we make use of God's awesome power to live a life of victory over sin. Praise the Lord!

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