Thursday, February 26, 2009

He Who Loves Follows

1 John 2 somewhat continues that thought that we looked at yesterday. The progression is this: the more a person knows Jesus, the more he will love Him. And, if we love Jesus, we will follow and obey Him. I personally believe that this gives the lie to most people who claim to be Christians in the world. It's easy to say, "I love Jesus" especially on Sunday morning at church, but this passage explains that it takes much more than that. It takes walking with Jesus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. There are no exceptions. Following Christ is a total commitment. It can't be an on again, off again experience. It is a daily duty that we fulfill because we have the love of Jesus in our hearts. It's so much more than saying the right thing. It's obeying the Bible in every detail all the time. There's nothing in the New Testament that doesn't apply to us today. There are no passages that we may consign to the church back then that are not also for us.


Lord, help me, with Your help, to make my walk line up with my talk. Help me to show my love for You by my life of service for You. Help me not to be distracted by the things in this life that won't be important in eternity. Help me not to be deceived by all the people in the world that are saying right things but doing wrong things. Help me to be a shining light to those that are around me. Help me to never give up until I reach heaven.

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