Monday, February 09, 2009

Should We Pay Our Taxes?

The Pharisees were constantly trying to trap Jesus in His words. So, they sent their disciples to ask Jesus yet another controversial question: Is it lawful to pay tax to Caesar? Jesus, knowing their deceitfulness, deftly handled the question. He told them to bring him a piece of money. Then, He asked them whose picture was on the coin. They answered, "Caesar's." He said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." In another passage, we have Jesus example of paying His taxes.


Christians should willingly and gladly pay their taxes even if they feel they are unfair. We are not to be part of the government. Yet, it is our duty to pay our taxes. It is not our responsibility to see that the taxes are used wisely, only to pay willingly. Jesus lived under the Roman empire and that was a corrupt heathen government. Yet, He still directed the people of His time to pay their taxes. We can take from that a directive to pay our taxes today.

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