Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rendering Fruit to God

Following this, Jesus told another parable with a similar meaning: a man had a vineyard and he hired people to take care of it. Then, he went a way. When the time of fruit came, he sent servants to bring him some of his fruit, but these men repeatedly beat or killed the servants he sent. Eventually, he sent his son thinking that they would regard him. Instead they killed him, hoping that they could then receive the inheritance. Of course, when the man returned, he got rid of those men and hired others.


Jesus reproved the Pharisees for disregarding the messengers that God had sent to them. But, we can be just like those people if we are not careful. God has given us much. Are we giving back to God. We are so blessed. Are we hoarding all the blessing or are we sharing with those around us? Are we giving praise to God for all He has done for us? Is God receiving the fruit of His vineyard, or are we stingy with what is not even ours in the first place? Lord, help me to willingly give back to You in gratefulness for all You have given me. Help me not to be selfish. Help me to generously give to others whenever I have an opportunity. Help me to live a life that bears good fruit for You.



I apologize for not keeping up with my posting. We had a baby four weeks ago. So, life has been a little more hectic. I'll try to keep up with my normal six days a week from here on.

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