As Paul was on his way to Rome as a prisoner, they stopped on the way. It was getting too late in the season for safe sailing and Paul advised them not to sail any further. However, the captain of the ship thought it would be safe. So, the centurion believed the captain instead of following Paul's warning. Isn't that how we are sometimes? We tend to follow human reasoning instead of the advice of godly people. We like to take our own way. We think we know best, but how can we know better than God. We do well to follow the advice of godly people around us and not trust in our own wisdom.
Lord, help me to humble enough to accept help and advice. Help me to live for You even when it's difficult or unpopular. Help me to reach out and give others a lift whenever I can. Thank You for all the godly people around me that can give me advice and encourage me when I need it. Thank You for the wonderful provision of salvation that allows me to live a victorious life for You.
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