Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Fickleness of Man's Praise

One Paul and Barnabas's first missionary journey, they came to Lystra. As they were preaching there, they healed a lame man. The people of Lystra were so impressed that they thought Paul and Barnabas must be gods. The priest even brought oxen and garlands to sacrifice to them. I'm sure Paul and Barnabas were glad to be accepted, but they didn't want the people to sacrifice to them, and they were barely able to stop the people before they offered sacrifices to them. However, their popularity didn't last long. Some antagonistic Jews came from another city and stirred up the people against them and a few days later (so it seems) the people stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city for dead.


What a contrast! But, so it is today; it may be popular to be a Christian now, but that could change rapidly. In fact, it is changing. Will you and I have the courage to stand up for what's right no matter what other people think. Can we live for Jesus no matter what our friends and neighbors think of us? God can give us the strength to live for Him no matter what we face. Let's trust Him and He will help us.

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