Wednesday, May 13, 2009

True Christianity Costs Us Something

In Acts 19, we have the account of many of the Ephesians becoming Christians. Now Ephesus was famous for its black arts: sorcery, witchcraft, magic and the like. So, many of these people who became Christians had books on all these things. As they became Christians they wanted to leave all the things of the old life behind. So, they brought their books together and burned them. When they counted up the worth of the books they burned, it came to 50,000 pieces of silver, a tremendous sum of money.


So it is today. Being a Christian will cost us something. We will need to lay down the things of the old life. It will take commitment to the new life. It will take sacrifice. When we follow Christ, He wants our whole life. If we can't give Him everything, He doesn't want it at all. Living for Jesus takes everything we have. Let's give it our all.


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