Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Wholly Given to Idolatry

As Paul arrived in Athens, his spirit was moved because the city was wholly given to idolatry. Isn't that how our world is today? No, people don't actually bow to statues in many cases, but they have other idols that are more important to them than God. This is just as wrong. God condemns idols very vehemently. It was the cause for much of Israel's suffering when God punished them for idolatry. Once again today, so many people (even Christians) have fallen into idolatry. They worship their money, jobs, cars, houses, celebrities, sports heroes, and even our president. We even have "American Idol" and many Christians don't think twice about it. It's time for us to wake up and give God His rightful place. We need to put all these other things out of our life or at least in a much lower position. We need to put God back on the throne in our hearts. We must stop this idolatry and repent of it.

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