Monday, May 25, 2009

Lost Their First Love

In the next few days, we'll be reading through the book of Revelation. Some of the chapters are very hard to understand and can be controversial. So, please feel free to comment with your ideas and opinions. I will be taking a very literal approach to the interpretation of the book. I believe that most of what is spoken here will literally come to pass. However, it is obvious that there are many figures of speech given as well.


In chapter 2, Jesus starts with a message to the church at Ephesus. He commends them for a number of things, but they had lost their first love. They no longer had a vibrant fellowship with Jesus. Maybe their commitment was waning. Maybe they were too busy with other things and left their spiritual life fall behind. Maybe they forgot what they had been saved from. At any rate, they weren't loving God and each other as they should have.


We, too, can fall into this trap. When we first become a Christian, we are so happy to be saved. Our love for Jesus is warm and vibrant. We tell other people about Him. But, sometimes we get to busy and distracted with the less important things in life. We allow them to take priority over the more important things, and we lose our first love. Lord, help me to remain in close fellowship with You all my life. Restore, me when I begin to lose that first love. Help me always to remember that my relationship with You is more important than anything else in this world.

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