Friday, April 11, 2008

1 Timothy 2

In chapter 2, Paul exhorts us that we should pray and give thanks for all men especially government leaders that we may be able to lead a quiet peaceable life. That is what Christians are to do. He didn't say we should lobby in Washington or run for office. He didn't even say we should try to vote the right person into office. We should just pray. That is much more powerful anyway. Our job is to save people by changing their hearts, not by trying to get good laws passed in Congress.


Later in the chapter, he gives instructions to women:

  1. Dress modestly
  2. Adorn themselves with good works
  3. Do not teach in church
  4. Do usurp authority over men
  5. Continue in faith, charity, holiness, and sobriety


    Many people misunderstand this passage. This is not saying that women are less important or less valuable. This is not making women slaves to men. This is the plan that God had from the beginning of time. Men lead and women follow. However, in order for this to work, men must fill their place with love, respect and humility. When men fill their place as they should, women will find it easy and enjoyable to fill theirs. Much of the mayhem brought on by the women's liberation movement is the fault of men who were tyrannical leaders and did not consider their wife's feelings and opinions. So, if both men and women fill their place as they should, everything will flow smoothly.


    Agree? Disagree? I'd love to hear from you.

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