Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where Jesus was. Likely she wanted to weep and anoint his body, but she was not prepared for the miracle she was about to see. The stone was rolled away. Jesus was not there! She quickly ran back to tell His disciples. Peter and John ran to the sepulcher and also saw that Jesus was not there. They were amazed and they believed that Jesus had risen from the dead. But, Mary still did not comprehend it all. She stood at the tomb weeping until two angels and Jesus met her there. How happy and surprised she was! Then she went and told the disciples that she had seen Jesus. Later in the evening, Jesus suddenly appeared in the middle of the room where the disciples where, but Thomas wasn't there, and he refused to believe that Jesus was alive until he could see Him with his own eyes. Eight days later, Jesus again appeared in the room where they were. This time Thomas was there and Jesus reproved him for his unbelief.
What an amazing story! The Jewish leaders thought that now their enemy was dead and they would finally not have to worry about Him. They were rid of Him once and for all. Little did they know that this was only the beginning of a revolution that would change the world more profoundly than anything else in history. Just to be safe, they had hired Roman soldiers to guard the tomb. This shows that they realized what a Man of great power this was, but they underestimated His power. The guards were useless against Almighty God. Jesus rose triumphant and Roman guards posed no challenge. They fell to the ground as dead men. Jesus conquered sin and death for us. Because He still lives today, we can live in victory. Sin and death can have no power over us. We can have eternal life in heaven. What a blessing! Let's live for Him because He died for us.
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