Sunday, April 20, 2008

2 Timothy 3

In this chapter, we see Paul's concern for Timothy. He gives many warnings and helps for Timothy to deal with these issues. Today, we see many of the same things that Paul predicted and warned about. So, this is a very important chapter to study. People have lost their moorings and our society sweeps people along in a flood of sin toward and eternity in hell. If we are going to stand against this tide of sin, we will need to study the Bible continually and stand firm for what we believe with the help of the Holy Spirit. Even more dangerous than blatant sinners are those who claim to be Christians but are not. They look like they are godly, but they are not. They are deceived themselves , and they deceive others. Paul mentions that these false teachers are like Jannes and Jambres. These were the Egyptian magicians that duplicated some of Moses' miracles. They appeared to have power, but eventually they were overpowered and could not compete with God's power. They could not do some of the miracles and the boils and the lice fell on them just as everyone else.


Paul also warned that Christians will face persecution. Throughout history, Satan has been opposing God's people. In some places and times, he persecutes them directly. In other times, he works covertly, deceiving Christian subtly with prosperity and ease. He also warns that deceivers will continue to get worse as time goes on. He tells Timothy to continue in the things that he has learned. Then he will not be deceived. Let us remain faithful too and keep studying God's word so that we can stay on the strait and narrow way.

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