Wednesday, April 02, 2008

John 15

Most of this chapter is a discussion on the parable of the vine. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. We can only bear fruit as we remain part of the vine. We receive our nourishment and instruction from Christ. If we do not stay in close communion with the Vine, we cannot bear fruit. Anything good that we do is a result of Jesus working in us. We cannot be a fruitful Christian on our own. We can try to live a good life and do good deeds in our own strength, but we will fail and never be truly useful to Christ's kingdom. Jesus tells us that if we do not bear fruit, we will be pruned away and cast into the fire. Jesus will not tolerate Christians who aren't doing kingdom work. Even those branches that are bearing fruit are pruned to help them bring more fruit. Sometimes we experience unpleasant circumstances, but let's not complain about them. God may be just helping us to bear more fruit in the future. God always has a reason for everything He does. So, let's thank Him for the strength and nourishment we receive from the vine and do our best to bear fruit for His honor and glory.

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