Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Prayer

I am studying to have devotions on Sunday. Here are my notes:

  1. Introduction
    1. Why did you come to church this morning?
      1. To pray
      2. To worship
    2. In Luke 18:9, Jesus tells a story about two men who went to the temple to pray
    3. Let's read and see what kind of worship experience they had
  2. The Pharisee's prayer
    1. We all know we shouldn't pray like the Pharisee
    2. That would not be right
  3. Our prayer
    1. I come to church every Sunday
    2. I even come to prayer meeting regularly
    3. I give more than 10% of my income
    4. I have a successful business
    5. I teach Sunday school
    6. I send my children to a Christian school
    7. I donated time to help with the church building project
    8. I am hospitable
    9. I am a wonderful housekeeper
    10. I'm so glad I'm not like this brother or sister. They haven't done all these things
    11. Maybe we don't pray this way
      1. Maybe we just talk to other people about our accomplishments
      2. Maybe we don't even tell other people. We just think this way
      3. Either way, it really makes little difference in God's eyes
  4. The true Christian's prayer
    1. Lord, I am humbled that you have chosen to use me.
    2. Forgive me for my mistakes and help me to learn from them
  5. What can we learn
    1. The Pharisee's problems
      1. He went up to the temple to pray, but it seems he forgot his errand when he got there.
      2. Great conceit
      3. Trusted in his own goodness
      4. He had no sins to confess, only contempt for sinners
      5. Looked down on others
      6. He prayed with himself
      7. Came to be seen of men
      8. His thankfulness was merely a cover for boasting
      9. He was so full of himself and his own goodness that he couldn't see his needs.
      10. He likely had the praise of men, but not the approval of God
    2. The publican's sincerity
      1. He came to pray and he did it
      2. Humility was obvious in all his actions
        1. He stood afar off
        2. He wouldn't look up to heaven
        3. He smote his breast
        4. He said, "God, be merciful to me a sinner."
        5. His prayer was short and sincere.
      3. He was justified
    3. If we come to church with the attitude of the publican, we will go home justified

I trust that we all will worship with humility and a desire to become more like Christ

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